ANQ Operations Guidelines

ANQ Operations Guidelines

Article 1. (Denomination)

This organization is named the Asian Network for Quality (hereinafter referred as ANQ).

Article 2. (Purpose)

ANQ aims to provide a platform and the opportunity for enhanced mutual sharing and learning of the knowledge and experiences obtained through the research and development and practices in quality performed by its member organizations.

Article 3. (Activities)


  • enhances more intensive exchange of views on the quality in Asia and closer collaborative relationship for mutual learning
  • holds ANQ Congress* as an important activity of ANQ
  • establishes a web site:, administered by ISQ
  • *Amended according to the conclusion of the 8th Board meeting
Article 4. (Membership)
  1. ANQ will welcome any non-profit organization of legal entity in Asia contributing to the growth of science and industry through promotional activities for research and development of philosophy, theory, methodology and applications in the field of quality and quality management through contributing to the quality of human life to join ANQ. Therefore, conditions of eligibility/qualification as a member organization for joining ANQ are
  • Contributing to quality and quality management
  • Non-profit organization, and
  • Legal entity
  1. Affiliated Member
  • In principle only one member organization shall be representing a country/region. As to a country/region that is represented by an ANQ member organization, another organization that satisfies the conditions for ANQ membership can become an ANQ affiliated member organization provided primary member organization does not have any objection
  • A membership fee for affiliated member organization is the same as that for ANQ member organization
  • An affiliated member organization does not have a right to vote. (the number of votes in a country/region is limited to one)
  • Other than the right to vote, affiliated member organizations have the same rights as member organizations
  1. Process for joining ANQ is as follows
  • A candidate organization sends Application Form with necessary support documents as well as the letter of Recommendation from one of the member organizations to the ANQ Secretary General by both e-mail and fax
  • The ANQ Secretary General verifies the application whether the candidate organization meets the necessary conditions of the qualification for being ANQ Member Organization
  • The ANQ Secretary General sends the Application Form with necessary support documents and the letter of Recommendation to Board Organizations for approval in the Approval Form of new membership
  • Each Board Organization sends its approval or reservation to the ANQ

Secretary General by both fax and e-mail within two weeks after receiving the referred Approval Form. If all the Board Organizations unanimously agree with the application, the candidate is approved as a new ANQ member organization. Otherwise, the decision is deferred to the next Board Meeting.

Article 5. (Organizational Structure)
  1. ANQ confirms any membership is on an organization basis but not on an individual basis, and individuals are representing the organization they belong to
  2. Recognizing the need for opportunity for all member organizations participating in sharing information, discussion, decision and resolution, ANQ forms the General Assembly , role of which includes
    • Confidence vote on candidate for Chair Organization The general assembly should be held in every two year
  3. Recognizing the need for a board, ANQ forms the Board with following rules
    • The Board Organization is composed of the four founding organizations
    • CAQ, CSQ (Chinese Taipei), JSQC and KSQM, and several other organizations
    • Any of the four founding organizations cannot decline to be a Board Organization
    • Any additional organization should
    1. Cover membership fee of Board members
    2. Have made remarkable contribution to the ANQ
    3. Be recognized for excellent quality culture in the region
    4. Have a strong will and sufficient capability to contribute to ANQ
    5. Be seconded by at least one of the Board organizations
    6. Be approved by the Board
    • Each Board Organization appoints two Board Directors for involvement in ANQ Board
    • The Board holds its regular meetings twice a year and any special meeting as necessary
    • A quorum of the Board is its 60% or more organizations
    • An alternate is acceptable when official Board Directors cannot attend the meeting, if informed in advance for approval
    • A Board organization may dispatch (a) delegate(s) to the Board Meeting as (an) observer(s) if necessary
  4. ANQ forms Chair Organization with following rules
      • Chair organization is nominated by the Board and approved by the vote of confidence in General Assembly
      • The term for responsibility of Chair is two years with consecutive reappointment once (i.e. maximum four years)
      • Chair organization appoints Chairperson and Secretary General . Also Chairperson can appoint a few Vice Chairpersons
      • The Chairperson can form his/her advisory group (Chair’s Advisory Group: CAG ) for his/her own term
    Terms of reference of CAG will include the following
    1. Provision of support for the ANQ strategic planning as requested by the Chair
    2. Coordination and facilitation of the work of various committees
    3. Coordination and facilitation of the work of various committees
    4. Any other tasks directed by the ANQ Chairperson
    5. The ANQ Chairperson appoints a Chair for the CAG
    6. The Chair is responsible to report back the studies on the relevant subject matters to ANQ Chairperson
    7. The Chair for the CAG is expected to use and facilitate any resources including members of CAG
    8. The Chairs of various technical committees become de facto members. Chair of a technical committee, if not a board member shall be invited to attend ANQ Board meetings
    9. The ANQ Chairperson can appoint additional members
    10. Chair CAG becomes invitee to the ANQ board. He has no voting right
    11. Chair Organization and ANQ Congress* hosting organization are logically different, but could also be the same
  5. Retiring /Retired Chairperson
    • A retiring chairperson is automatically to be “Honorary Board Director”
    • Among Honorary Board Directors, only a few exceptional former ANQ Chairpersons, who have made outstanding contribution to ANQ activities and have the potential to make substantial contribution with personal devotion in future, will be given the title of Honorary Chairperson of ANQ
    • Honorary Chairperson Position is not limited to a term. He or She can continue to be the Honorary Chairperson till he or she feels and / or the Board Feels they cannot continue to make significant contribution
    • A person remains as Honorary Board Director till the person is continuing to make significant contribution to the ANQ activities. The position is not limited by a term
    • Honorary Board Director and Honorary Chairperson, becomes permanent invitee to the ANQ Board
Article6. (Membership fee)

Each member organization of ANQ shall, in principle, pay the following fee as a rule.
Board Member Organizations USD $ 1,000/year**
Member Organizations USD $ 500/year

Article7. (Website maintenance fee)

Each Board Organization of ANQ shall, in principle, pay USD $ 500 per year for
website maintenance. Any difference shall be paid by ANQ Account

Article8. (Financials)
  1. ANQ decides its basic rules as follows
    • Travel and accommodation cost and other expenses needed for participating in ANQ activities are in principle to be covered by the relevant member organizations or the participating members
    • Costs for the chair and other expenses needed to take responsibility for Chair Organization are to be covered by the relevant Chair Organization
    • Expenses needed for meetings are in principle to be taken care of by the hosting organization for the relevant meetings
  2. The accounting of ANQ shall be operated according to the “Bylaw for the ANQ Accounting”
  3. ANQ will do its best in constructing financial constitution through variety of actions such as
    • Donation from Chair Organization and/or ANQ Congress* host organization
    • Surplus from conferences such as ANQ Congress
    • Donation from Board Organization(s), delegates and others
    • Donation from companies/individuals, and seeking a possibility to establish Asian Foundation for Quality Management
  4. The Fiscal year of ANQ shall follow the Calendar year, i.e. starting from Jan 1 st and ending on Dec 31 st
Supplementary Provision

(Resolving difficulties ) Any difficulties in the articles stipulated or subjects not stipulated in these guidelines shall be discussed and resolved by the Board Meeting.

(Amendments) Amendments to this guidelines shall be decided by the Board Meeting.

This guidelines is enacted on April 23, 2004 , amended on October 2008 and 22 May, 2009.